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Foot culture - The best foot pain clinic in Secunderabad, Hyderabad

Holistic treatment for Flat Feet available at Foot Culture

Specialising in Orthopaedic treatments and Custom-built orthotic footwear


What is it?
Flat feet also called pronated foot, fallen arches is a distortion of the foot with various degrees of physical impact.
In flat feet, the sole will entirely touch the ground when standing. This case can be often identified in children and worsens with age.

Flat feel in children is common due to heredity, lack of foot exercise, tight Achilles tendon, and laxity of ligaments.
In the case of adults, flat feet are the result of diabetes, pregnancy, obesity, overuse, injury, and fractures.

Inflammation of soft tissue, foot fatigue, heel pain, knee pain, bunions, arthritis, and abnormal walking patterns are the symptoms of Flat Feet.

Consequences if left untreated
Though Flat Feet is affecting the body's alignment and causing pain in the foot and ankle, it can lead to Achilles Tendonitis, and Shin Splints if not treated.

The treatment for Flat Feet is different for children and adults. Generally, children are not adaptive to Flat Feet when compared to Adults, so it is the parent's responsibility to monitor their walking arch from the initial stage.

If any abnormalities are observed in their walking pattern, it is mandatory to get it checked by an expert doctor. As children's feet are flexible, flat feet can be treated by exercises, braces, appropriate footwear, and even surgery.

In Adults, there are techniques like daily activities, medication, rest, custom orthotics, exercises, physical therapy, etc. If either of them does not subside the pain, then surgery is recommended.

Dr Pawan Sadhvani is an expert orthopaedic surgeon in Secunderabad, Hyderabad. Dr Pawan Sadhvani, MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics) is specialized in Foot and Ankle. He treated thousands of patients of all ages, who are now free from foot and ankle-related issues.

Apart from the usual medications and surgery treatments, flat feet can be treated by custom orthotics or footwear. At Foot culture, our specialists know that flat feet do not look the same for everyone. For some the toes may point outward, and for some their achilles tendon may be tight.

For most people, flat feet cause supination or overpronation so foot culture will equip them with a wide fit shoe. These shoes are wide at the front so the toes are allowed to spread out, which in turn prevents foot pain and bunions.

A firm heel and ergonomic sole will prevent the foot from rolling inward (supination). Our clinic specialises in treating people suffering from flat feet and we can do the same for you.

Book an appointment with us today, and get customised shoes that will help you get back on your feet!

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